i'm here for

by magical storytelling



Sometimes Big Dreams require a Fairy Godmother -- if it worked for Cinderella it can work for you too! 

If you’re ready to go all in on your creative vision, you’re in the right place. 

Receive 1:1 Mentorship and my focused attention on a story or creative project that is VERY dear to your heart. 

I am an expert at bringing projects to life and I can guide you on the journey, so your vision reaches its full potential. It’s time to achieve greater heights than you ever thought possible. 

This is a powerful, potent creative container – and you won’t be the same after. 

This is the space for someone who knows they’re here to do and create something BIG! 

No more wondering how you’re going to do it. 

No more waiting. 

By the end of our time together, your book, script, or creative project will be DONE! If you’re ready to commit to your project and go all in, I’m here to help you! 

I offer both Coaching and VIP days to help you reach your goals. 

1:1 Mentorship

the glass lipper

The Glass Slipper

$150 for 1 Hour
$200 for 90 minutes



  • Character Development and Dynamics 
  • Plot & Story Ideas
  • Pacing
  • Dialogue
  • Developing a pitch for your script or book
  • I also do Editing with select clients

In a Story Breakthrough Session we can work on:

A lot of times people have a great idea for a book or a script, but they need help developing it! They might start something and get stuck or never get started at all, because they don’t have the support and guidance they truly need! 

That won’t happen to you, because you’re here ready for your Story Breakthrough!

Let’s jumpstart your process, so you don’t get stuck.

Let’s discuss your dreams and project in detail! I’ll offer intuitive guidance, creative feedback and coaching to help you unlock the potential of your story! This is where the magic happens! 60 to 90 minutes.

For an upgraded session: I’m always happy to look over pages of writing and provide developmental feedback or take you on a Guided Journey. 

I have experience in Creative Nonfiction including Memoir and Lyric Prose, Fiction, Screenwriting, Playwriting, Poetry and Children’s Books.

Let’s dive deeply into the heart of your story – so you can grab readers who hang on your every word! 

story breakthrough session

Story Breakthrough Session

$500 for 7 Day



7 Day Creativity Reboot
  • 1 Live Coaching Session with Energy Support
  • 2 Remote Energy Healing Sessions
  • Daily Energy Boosters

14 Day Creativity Reboot
  • 2 Live Coaching Sessions with Energy Support
  • 4 Remote Energy Healing Sessions
  • Daily Energy Boosters

MASSIVE 30 DAY Energy and Creativity Reboot
  • 4 Live Coaching Sessions with Energy Support
  • 8 Remote Energy Healing Sessions 
  • Daily Energy Boosters

choose your package

  • Inspiration
  • Creative Clarity
  • Joy, ease and a renewed sense of play
  • Cleared and Upgraded Chakras
  • Revitalized Meridians
  • Clearings for Karmic Blocks and Distortion


Burnt out? No creative gas in the tank? I can help!

Guess what — I’ve been there! It’s not you — it’s your energy system being too overloaded to create! Once your system comes back into balance and is energized – not just from a cup of coffee – but truly, deeply energized from the inside out, you’ll have all the energy you need to create the story of your dreams!

See your Creativity is your Primal Life Force energy. And when that gets depleted, it’s hard to create — it becomes almost impossible to bring life to new projects, life experiences or works of art. In Chinese Medicine, when someone has anxiety, depression or pain in the body, practitioners stimulate Qi to restore the flow of energy to its original state of perfection. Blocks are fundamentally tied to personal energy not flowing as it’s meant to. The same is true for Creative Expression!

I utilize a combination of VortexHealing®, Reiki and other powerful energy modalities, to bring you back to creative wholeness. I also clear blocks from your Sacral Chakra, responsible for your Creative and Sexual energies. 

Hint — this is the place of creation itself!!

I work with your Meridian system, using principles of Chinese Medicine and philosophy, all from the comfort of your own home!! That means you sit back, relax and let the energy clear for maximum alignment and success.

Blast Through Creative and Emotional Blocks through different modalities including Reiki, Vortexhealing®, Light Language and Infinity Healing. We may also do some writing and/or Creative Coaching!


creativity reboot

Creativity Reboot

$2000 for MASSIVE 30 DAY

$1000 for 14 Day

$150 for 1 Hour
$200 for 90 minutes



Think of me as a Director helping you step into your creative power! 

  • General Creative Concerns and Counseling
  • A place to practice and get more comfortable Speaking! 
  • Help with Course Creation and writing for your Website! 
  • A space to practice and refine the art of Oral Storytelling
  • A place to develop your Business’s Signature Story
  • Help crafting Stories for Business and / or Social Media
  • Help navigating Online Summits and Retreats

Creative Coaching Sessions can include:

I know you have big dreams!  

Whether it’s starting a creative project or getting a new business up and running – you have something AMAZING you’re ready to bring into the world! 

Having someone you can trust to look over your writing or help you practice your speaking can make all the difference! 

So you can move forward with confidence and ease. 

Writing content for your business or birthing an online course, can be just as exhilarating as a journey into a magical, far away land. But you have to make it that way!

It starts with you saying yes and opening the door to creative opportunity. If words are the only thing standing in your way – you came to the right place!

Course Creation, Business Writing, Speaking and Oral Storytelling

creative coaching

creative coaching for business

Ashton Rae Wild of Olympia, WA USA  

"Through Elizabeth’s incredible gifts of guidance, teaching, and editing; my life has been forever changed. Before working with Elizabeth, I had extreme difficulty ‘finding my words’; both verbal and written. Now, with her phenomenally intuitive assistance, I have published my website, uploaded my 1st meditation video, and written several poems that I will someday publish as an anthology. For me to allow such beautiful poetry to flow through my fingertips has been so freeing and healing to my soul. I am forever grateful to Elizabeth and her magical ways with words.”

"my life has been forever changed"

LU, author of Tortured to Triumph

"Elizabeth is quite the taskmaster.... but in a good way. This was my first time writing a book, and the subject matter was not easy since it dealt with childhood trauma, Complex PTSD, and my spiritual journey along the way. But Elizabeth's understanding and compassion was exceptional. It meant a lot more work for me, but it was worth it. Thanks to her I now have a published book that has already helped hundreds of people and it's been out less than a month. I will be returning to her for my next book. I am honored to know Elizabeth and grateful I had the privilege to work with her."

"my life has been forever changed"

Karen Craig Eddy

"I would urge any writer who struggles with writer’s block or needs encouragement and support to take Elizabeth’s Writing with the Goddesses workshop. I’m sure all writers have experienced those rare occasions when the words just flowed through, as if the story were writing itself. Elizabeth’s Writing with the Goddesses workshop helps to facilitate this same experience, with her invocations, imaginative visualizations and meditations. The writer’s prompts that Elizabeth provides are thoughtfully created for the individual participants. She is a caring and kind mentor. Writing with the Goddesses inspired me to relax into my writing and enjoy the process."

"inspired me to enjoy the process"

Leona Hass

"Writing with the Goddesses is an incredibly powerful program. During my time with Lizzie and the Goddesses, I found myself going deeper and gaining greater clarity on what I am to bring forward. Within this sacred space, I learned to trust my intuition and to bring forward what was speaking to me during each writing session. The mixture of the meditation with freewriting allowed me to ground and center before wandering off into my creative realm. My time spent in the Writing with the Goddesses program was inspirational and transformational."

"an incredibly powerful program"

Stephanie Ambarsumyan

“Going with Elizabeth was a no brainer. She is thorough and really went line by line (through a 1,000 page manuscript -- mind you) to make my writing shine. She is insanely creative and helpful at getting through writers blocks. Elizabeth took my writing to heart and got deeply interested in my characters, their conflicts, and their points of view. I never had to feel shy or awkward in telling her my ideas. I will continue to choose her again and again anytime that I need editing. She's everything that you could hope for in an editor!”

"my writing shines"

kind words