your host
elizabeth bercovici

a magical storytelling event


Step fearlessly into your Destiny. 

Join Fearless to:
  • Move beyond fear with the Morrigan and the Cailleach Witch
  • Connect with the Ocean Goddess Yemoja
  • Call in your dynamic power with Sekhmet
  • Do Inner Child work with Dragons and Unicorns
  • Experience Playfulness and Sensuality with Bast
  • Activate the Wild Goddess within with Artemis and Rhiannon
  • Hear channeled wisdom from a Collective of Sirians

Joseph Campbell once said, “The cave you most fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” Often the things we most want in life require us to face our fears head on, that’s why in most stories, the hero or heroine enters the Innermost Cave alone. 

But what if that was the old paradigm? What if there was a way to enter into that cave free of fear?

I’ll tell you a secret – there is. 

From the beginning of time we have looked to legendary Gods and Goddesses for guidance, power and strength. 

In today’s world, many consider them just old myths, but these great beings have never truly been gone. They have profound wisdom to share with us about how we can surrender our fear and become truly fearless. 

Join me for Fearless! Enjoy 14 incredible Interviews, Mythic Storytelling, Embodiment Rituals and Divine Activations! 

Connect with mythic goddesses and power house animals to unleash your primal power. 

Go beyond “feeling the fear and doing it anyway.” Step into a reality where you’ve transcended all fear. 

  • Do deep soul work with your Ancestors 
  • Learn the art of Penetrating your Desires for Sacred Manifestation
  • Learn about the power of connecting with your Future Self to create your fearless reality
  • These interviews were previously recorded August 8th, 9th and 10th of 2022 and supercharged with the energy of the Lion’s Gate portal. You can still ride the wave of this energy to make your quantum leap into fearlessness! 

  • Connect with the Wild Feminine within
  • Feel more confident speaking
  • Embody new levels of leadership
  • Have the courage to go after the things you most desire in life
  • Experience brand new levels of freedom
  • Learn more about the Primal Goddess and how she can catapult you into a new reality!

You’ll be supported by the Morrigan, Sekhmet, Bast, and other divine beings, who will raise you to a higher frequency and bring through powerful transmissions for expanded consciousness. 

Fearless isn’t just a word. Fearless is a frequency, a vibration, a state that you can tap into at will. And once you do, your destiny lines up, just like stars lining up in the sky.

if you're ready to

if you're ready to

take your leap into fearlessness

sam the cosmic lion

Cynthia Portlock

Aurora Farber

Eimear Stassin




Rebecca Cavender

jeannine wand

ava st. claire


our speakers

our speakers



Flora Ware

Ashton Rae Wild

see you there

see you there

© Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Bercovici, Magical Storytelling. All Rights Reserved.